A Practical, Jargon-Free Guide to Group Effectiveness
The Compleat Facilitator
The New Compleat Facilitator: A Handbook for Facilitators, an easy-to-use resource, developed for new and experienced facilitators. Designed for use as both a guidebook and a meeting companion.
This step-by-step guide to facilitating group work, The New Compleat Facilitator has everything you need to begin facilitating successful group projects:
- Guidelines for planning
- Ideas for participation-building
- Tools for keeping meetings focused and moving
- Jargon-free “how to’s”
- Troubleshooting “what if’s”
- Tips for dealing with difficult behavior
- Pitfalls to avoid
- Removable sticky-notes for handy reference
- Spiral binding for flexibility and convenience, yet compact enough to carry into meetings
The New Compleat Facilitator, a guide you will use again and again.
Why “Compleat”?
In 1653, Izaak Walton published The Compleat Angler. Although nominally about fishing, the book is still regarded as the seminal work on the uses of recreation by the people of England. Most reviewers consider the work witty and comprehensive.
By selecting the name The Compleat Facilitator, we salute Walton, in hopes that our book is similarly witty and comprehensive. We also believe that facilitation skills, though nominally about the team environment, are essential for anyone who leads people in today’s changing workplaces.
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The New Compleat Facilitator is just $32.95 per copy plus shipping and handling, with quantity discounts available.